It Only Takes One: An IVF Story of Hope

Today is such a special day for our family. It’s the day everything changed.

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Photo by @heathermohrphotography


Let’s rewind just a little bit. After over two years of infertility, multiple failed treatments and surgeries, thousands of tears and hundreds of negative pregnancy tests, we were sent to a reproductive endocrinologist. It took two years to find out I have ‘low ovarian reserve’ aka not many eggs left, and with all aspects considered our only option was IVF. 

During the stimulation phase, they saw 3 follicles growing. That’s it. It got to the point where one was growing so fast, they figured only 2 would have eggs. 

The nurse sat me down, looked me in the eyes and asked if I wanted to cancel the IVF cycle. Tears flowed as I sat there and prayed. I just knew this was going to work for us. It was our time. We were moving forward with this IVF cycle. 

Luckily, the largest follicle slowed down and we had 3 follicles going into our egg retrieval. Of those 3 follicles- all three were mature eggs. (YEA!!!) Now it was time to fertilize the eggs. Only one egg fertilized.

One fertilized egg.

Cue the tears! But again, my husband reminded me this was our time. 

We had one fertilized egg. 

We had one chance with this round.

One year ago, today we transferred that one fertilized egg.

Today our miracle one fertilized egg is the most perfect 4-month-old.

So, remember, it only takes one.

-Katelyn Williams

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The information provided in this blog is intended for general informational purposes only and should not be considered as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your healthcare provider or qualified medical professional with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read in this blog.


The Fear: Pregnancy After Infertility & Loss


A Letter to My Daughters: Becoming A Mum Through Egg Donation