Are You a Fertility Expert?


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If you’re interested in contributing articles to The IVF Warrior, please submit the form below with more information or send us an email.

Areas of interest include: preconception health, fertility, menopause, infertility, health & wellness, mental health, pregnancy loss, pregnancy after loss/infertility, relationships, fertility treatments, different paths to parenthood (IVF, adoption, surrogacy, donor conception, male factor infertility, etc.), industry news, science content, embryology, health conditions such as PCOS, endometriosis, autoimmune issues, etc.

We seek out writers and experts who have deep expertise in the fertility industry (think Embryologist, RDN, REI, M.D., Ph.D. etc.). We also love hearing about wellness journeys and publish powerful, transformative personal stories about fertility health and wellness. 

Expert Samples: