The Value of Self-Care for Entrepreneurs on the IVF Journey

Preparing for and navigating your IVF journey can often be stressful and anxiety-inducing. So, any other responsibilities you are carrying during this time may feel more difficult or onerous. If you are an entrepreneur trying to maintain a successful business while also going through the IVF process, it’s especially important that you give yourself breaks and put self-care on the top of your list. This is necessary for the sake of your health, and for the well-being of your business.

Entrepreneurs IVF

The Value of Self-Care for Entrepreneurs on the IVF Journey

Stress and IVF

Yes, IVF can be extremely stressful. This is especially the case if the decision to try IVF comes at the end of a lengthy and exhausting process of trying to find answers and solutions, regarding fertility. Add to this the financial considerations, fear of failure, difficult questions that come up along the way, and dread of being judged by others, and you have a recipe for stress even aside from the demands of business ownership. Hopefully, you will plan to start IVF when you are in a safe and healthy space in your life. And you should also choose a time when your business doesn’t need constant attention.

The importance of putting work aside

As a hard-working, responsible business owner you probably feel you have a duty to remain attentive to their business. And up to a point, this is true. But when you’re going through a process as delicate and personal and nerve-wracking as IVF, you will be doing your business no favors if you can’t step away and entrust some of the decisions to others. And more importantly, you may be harming your own well-being since stress can take a toll on your physical as well as your mental health.

Self-care is a responsibility

Your well-being is important, always. Not just now. But you might be under extra stress right now. So, making time for activities and practices that help is actually a responsible choice. Stress, anxiety, and depression can sometimes cloud your awareness of your own value. You may feel that you don’t have time for the things that make you feel better and more positive and more relaxed. Try to adjust that thinking so you understand that caring for yourself and tending to your own needs is just as important as work or family obligations.

Easy self-care rituals for stress relief

First of all, a caveat: everyone is different, and what works to relieve stress for one person might be useless for another. You may already know which self-care techniques you can rely on. In which case, it’s a matter of doing them! If you are uncertain about what will help you, however, here are a few suggestions:

  • Deep breathing and other breath-related exercises or meditations.

  • Yoga stretches that help the body as well as calm the mind.

  • Music therapy to help you relax and regain positivity.

  • Self-massage, especially if stress is causing muscle tension and ache.

  • Quick cardio sessions like dance or HIIT can get the blood pumping and help release brain chemicals that make you feel more upbeat.

Getting financial support for your business

If you don’t feel like you can keep up, or if you’re worried that you can’t afford to get a break from your business, consider seeking out additional funding that will give you some financial padding, or free you up to hire assistants or additional team members. See if you qualify for some of the small business grants that are available in Canada – such as the Business Retrofit Program, or the Canada Job Grant Program. You do need to be prepared for what’s entailed in the grant process, however – such as having a solid business plan, for instance, and understanding how to write an application. It might relieve some anxiety to know that stress is not likely to have any effect on IVF outcomes. So that is one less thing to worry about! Still, you need to go easy on yourself, so try to give yourself breaks from work and put self-care rituals on your to-do list during this time. And you can find more helpful information about IVF at The IVF Warrior.

Cheryl Conklin created Wellness Central from her desire to share various resources and her thoughts on wellness. Apart from blogging, she enjoys traveling and going on endless adventures, and writing about her experiences at the end of the day.

Medical Disclaimer:

The information provided in this blog is intended for general informational purposes only and should not be considered as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your healthcare provider or qualified medical professional with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read in this blog.


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