Our Heartbreaking Journey: Navigating Loss, Fertility Struggles, and IVF

I have always dreamed to be a mom. I couldn’t wait!

Our Heartbreaking Journey: Navigating Loss, Fertility Struggles, and IVF

Our Heartbreaking Journey: Navigating Loss, Fertility Struggles, and IVF

Right after we got married, we knew we were ready. First month trying we got pregnant. My gynecologist at the time, not OB, said I should tell family since my appointment to confirm with a test in office was the day before Thanksgiving 2022. So, we told immediate family and everyone was over the moon. Our dream was coming true! Until I miscarried, or what I was told, a chemical pregnancy.

The devastation was indescribable.

Part of me died the day my hCG dropped after countless blood work appointments. Being so excited… and then having my baby taken away.

A few months later, after not being able to get pregnant again, I was referred to a fertility clinic. After all the tests, it was determined I had 2 polyps and a blocked right fallopian tube. We did 3 rounds of letrezole and 1 IUI. After no luck, they said I had to get the polyps removed and try to unblock my fallopian tube. It ended up being endometriosis in my tube and they removed it. They had me wait 2-3 months until trying Letrezole again, with an IUI.

I felt like I was just wasting so much time, and it was all out of my control.

I was so hopeful next cycle, until I ovulated from the side where the tube was gone. I couldn’t keep doing this to myself and my body. My husband and I both agreed we wanted a baby and will do whatever it takes.

IVF was always on our mind, and with us both being teachers, and summer approaching, we knew it was time. So this past June, we started IVF meds and had my egg retrieval early July. We retrieved 23 eggs, 9 fertilized, and 6 developed into embryos. We sent out 6 and have 4 perfect PGT embryos.

I am so scared for disappointment if my FET doesn’t stick. Hopefully in the next few weeks we will transfer. I am so scared because I feel it’s our last hope. Thank you for this page and letting me share our journey. It’s been the most heartbreaking two years of my life, and I am ready to get out to these trenches to the other side. Here’s to being hopeful 🙏🏻🩷

- Anonymous Community Member

“A first grade teacher who has always dreamed of having one of her own. For now, I give all my love and everything I have to 20 six year olds who aren’t mine each year.”

Medical Disclaimer:

The information provided in this blog is intended for general informational purposes only and should not be considered as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your healthcare provider or qualified medical professional with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read in this blog.


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