National Rainbow Baby Day

Today is National Rainbow Baby Day. A day to celebrate the rainbow at the end of a storm. A day to spread joy and hope to those still fighting this battle.

National Rainbow Baby Day

The IVF Warrior


National Rainbow Baby Day

"Never stop chasing rainbows" is a quote I fell in love with on my never-ending IVF journey to my rainbow baby. After several losses and then the loss of my daughter’s twin, it was a quote that provided some light during the darkness..

A rainbow baby is a term used for a baby born to a family that has previously lost a child due to stillbirth, miscarriage or death during infancy. In honor of babies born after loss, August 22 has been designated as "National Rainbow Baby Day".

As a rainbow baby mom, this day can be filled with many emotions. When you’ve experienced loss and then have your rainbow baby earth side, your heart usually feels like it’s been torn into a million pieces and then put back together, but with some pieces missing and having been rearranged. It’s often bewildering to process, and today can trigger both grief and gratitude.

Often, life after loss doesn’t make much sense to those living it, let alone those observing it. A lesson I learned throughout my loss journey is grief, healing, and joy, can all coexist. Which is why days like today are so important, it helps acknowledge all of these feelings. 

Today, I'm thinking of all the parents celebrating their rainbows. Hold those babes a little tighter. But mostly, today my heart deeply aches for those still in the wait. I see you. I was you. Know that you aren't alone. I pray that one day soon, you will have your rainbow too.

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