4 Fertility Nutrition Myths You Should Know

Most women go into their childbearing years with inadequate stores of many nutrients that are super important for fertility. Whether you are “unexplained infertility”, battling recurring miscarriage or facing challenges like PCOS or endometriosis, nutrition can have a major impact on most root causes of fertility problems….and even be why you have been labeled “unexplained”.

fertility nutrition myths

4 Fertility Nutrition Myths You Should Know

Cutting out food groups is likely doing your fertility more harm than good for 2 major reasons:

1. You are already depleted, and cutting out more food groups further depletes you.

2. Restrictions like not eating for too long, cutting out major sources of bioavailable nutrients, along with the stress of worrying about what in the world to eat send the body a message that it is unsafe to reproduce.

Focusing on adding food and nutrients in, rather than restricting it, can go a long way! Yes, there are cases where cutting things out is necessary, but this is not the majority.

4 common fertility nutrition myths:

1. Cutting carbs will support your fertility.

2. Ditch animal protein to get pregnant.

3. Intermittent fasting supports your fertility.

4. Cut out dairy and gluten to decrease inflammation.

A bit more about these myths:

  • Carbs provide many nutrients and can be balanced with protein & fat to support blood sugar. You are most likely under-eating protein. Try ADDING more.

  • Animal protein provides crucial nutrients for DNA programming of egg & sperm in the most bioavailable forms. ADD in quality forms of animal protein to support your fertility.

  • Intermittent fasting is not for women who are focusing on fertility. It makes hormone imbalance worse. ADD in a protein rich breakfast within 1 hour of waking.

  • Not everyone needs to cut out gluten & dairy. If there is no medical need/testing doesn’t warrant it. ADD in quality forms of these foods to boost fertility loving nutrients.

*For optimal outcomes, work with a fertility dietitian to help you individualize nutrition to meet YOUR bodies needs. The most supportive foods for YOU may be different as it depends on your gut health, hormone balance, health history, genetics etc.

Brooke Boskovich, The Fertility Dietitian

Medical Disclaimer:

The information provided in this blog is intended for general informational purposes only and should not be considered as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your healthcare provider or qualified medical professional with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read in this blog.

Brooke Boskovich

Brooke Boskovich is a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist, a functional & integrative practitioner, the founder of Brooke Boskovich Nutrition and the creator of the Master Your Fertility Program. Brooke is passionate about women’s health & fertility and has helped dozens of women with irregular cycles, PCOS, unexplained infertility, endometriosis & other fertility struggles, regulate their cycles and take-home healthy babies.


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