A Letter to Those in the Wait on Mother’s Day
Mother’s Day is an emotionally challenging and often triggering day for anyone navigating infertility. For those in the wait, this letter is for you.
A Letter to Those in the Wait on Mother’s Day
As Mother's Day approaches, I want to take a moment to acknowledge the complex emotions that may arise during this time.
If you find yourself struggling with feelings of longing, grief, jealousy, or isolation, please know that you are not alone. In the midst of this often-painful journey of infertility, I want you to know your feelings are valid.
Mother's Day can be a challenging day for many of us who are in the wait. It's a day filled with reminders of grief, unfulfilled dreams and the ache of longing for a title we've yet to claim. As the world celebrates the joy of motherhood, it's natural to feel a sense of isolation, as if we're on the outside looking in, waiting for it to finally be our turn.
This day is often another reminder of the pain and sacrifice we make daily. The heartache we feel month after month, hoping and wishing for our dream to finally come true. But amidst the swirl of emotions, I want you to remember this: you are not defined by your ability to conceive. Your worth as a person is not determined upon motherhood.
As Mother's Day approaches, I encourage you to prioritize your emotional well-being above all else. Set boundaries that protect your heart and soul, whether it means stepping back from social media, declining invitations to celebrations that feel triggering, or creating your own rituals of self-care and reflection.
And know this: you are surrounded by a community of love and support. Whether it's a trusted friend, a supportive family member, a community, or a fellow warrior on this journey, there are people who understand your struggles. Reach out to them, lean on them, and let them remind you that you are not alone in this journey.
As Mother's Day approaches, remember you are loved, you are worthy, and you are enough—just as you are.