5 Tips to Get IVF and Fertility Coverage

Fertility treatments, including in vitro fertilization (IVF), offer hope for individuals and couples facing infertility. However, the financial burden can be daunting, often serving as a barrier to access fertility treatments for many.

5 Tips to Get IVF Coverage

While insurance coverage for IVF and fertility varies widely depending on location, employer policies, and individual plans, there are strategies individuals can employ to increase their chances of securing IVF coverage.

Here are five tips to help navigate the complexities of obtaining insurance coverage for IVF and fertility:

1. Understand Your Insurance Policy

It's crucial to thoroughly understand your insurance policy. Review your plan documents carefully, paying close attention to any provisions related to fertility treatment, including coverage limitations, exclusions, and eligibility criteria.

Familiarize yourself with terms such as "infertility diagnosis," "medical necessity," and "covered services," as they will play a pivotal role in determining your eligibility for IVF and fertility coverage.

2. Advocate for Coverage

Once you understand your insurance policy, advocate for yourself and your fertility needs. Contact your insurance provider to inquire about fertility benefits and IVF coverage options. If your current plan does not offer coverage for IVF and fertility, consider appealing the decision or requesting a review of your policy. Provide documentation from medical professionals supporting the medical necessity of fertility treatment in your specific case, emphasizing the impact of infertility on your physical, emotional, and mental well-being.

3. Explore Employer-Sponsored Benefits

According to a Carrot Fertility study, 88% of employees would consider switching jobs to access fertility benefits, and 77% stated they would stay at their current company if they offered fertility benefits. Fertility benefits are no longer a luxury they’re a necessity, and having fertility benefits makes companies more inclusive for their employees.

Many individuals access IVF and fertility coverage through employer-sponsored health insurance plans. If your employer offers health benefits, inquire about fertility benefits and IVF coverage options available to employees.

Advocate for the inclusion of fertility benefits in your employer's health plan, highlighting the importance of comprehensive reproductive health coverage for employees and their families. Consider joining forces with colleagues to lobby for expanded fertility benefits as part of your company's health insurance offerings.

4. Research State Mandates

Several states have enacted laws mandating insurance coverage for fertility treatments, including IVF. Research the fertility coverage mandates in your state to determine your rights and entitlements under the law.

Familiarize yourself with the specific requirements and limitations outlined in state mandates, including eligibility criteria, coverage limits, and any exemptions for certain insurance plans or employers. If you reside in a state with fertility coverage mandates, leverage this legislation to advocate for your right to access IVF treatment.

5. Consider Alternative Financing Options

In the absence of insurance coverage for IVF or fertility treatments, explore alternative financing options to make fertility treatment more accessible. Many fertility clinics and fertility financing companies offer financing plans, payment options, and package deals e.g., guarantee programs, to help individuals manage the cost of IVF treatment.

Additionally, research grants (we have a complete list of all fertility and IVF grants here), scholarships, and financial assistance programs offered by nonprofit organizations, fertility advocacy groups, and pharmaceutical companies. Consider crowdfunding platforms or fundraising initiatives to garner financial support from friends, family, and the community.

Securing insurance coverage for fertility treatments can be a challenging and often complex process, but by understanding your insurance policy, advocating for coverage, exploring employer-sponsored benefits, researching state mandates, and considering alternative financing options, you can increase your chances of accessing the fertility treatment you need. Remember to seek guidance from fertility experts, financial advisors, and advocacy organizations to navigate the landscape of IVF coverage effectively.

Medical Disclaimer:

The information provided in this blog is intended for general informational purposes only and should not be considered as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your healthcare provider or qualified medical professional with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read in this blog.


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