Lyndsey's Story: Unexplained Infertility, Varicocele and IVF

The IVF Warrior Personal Essays Lyndsey

I like a good plan. After 5 years of marriage my husband and I started to try to conceive. I was 9 months into a new role at work and had it all planned out.

We would get pregnant and at 12 weeks I could make the happy announcement right when I’d been in my new role one year. Ha!

One month led to 2 - fast forward a year and there we were, in a fertility clinic with the diagnosis “unexplained infertility”. WTF. Countless rounds of cycle monitoring, three failed IUIs - and then we were facing The IVF Decision. We took the plunge (literally - SO. MANY. NEEDLES.) and came out of that first round with 2 embryos. We did a fresh transfer, I ended up with OHSS - and a BFN. A few months later we transferred the remaining frozen embryo, and… BFP! We were OVER THE MOON! Prior investigations for my husband had identified a varicocele and despite being pregnant, as a “back up plan” we went ahead and scheduled his surgery to correct it. Hey, maybe it would make baby #2 potentially easier.

Red flags started appearing with the pregnancy. My husband’s somewhat terrifying, feeding-a-wire-from his-jugular-to-his testes, surgery was two days before Christmas and then we were scheduled for a “viability check” two days after Christmas. Needless to say, not a fun holiday. And then the viability check confirmed our fears – the pregnancy had terminated. Devastation.

They told us to wait three months for my husband’s “swimmers” to replenish and then to try on our own for 6 more months. Nada. So, another round of IVF – and this time, after PGS, we were left with Just. One. Embryo. We kept hearing, “it just takes one!” – but it’s hard to dig down at find hope that that point. 

However, sometimes it does just take one – and we welcomed Bronsen Clabby into the world on July 26, 2016. We were THRILLED beyond belief.

We assumed we would need a subsequent round of IVF for baby #2. I went in for the first round of blood work – only to get the most surprising call of my life that afternoon. I was pregnant. Naturally. What?! We welcomed our second miracle, Sawyer Clabby, on May 28, 2018.

IVF journey

Since Bronsen I have tried to be there for others facing similar struggles (like my business partner, Michelle!). I didn’t realize how many others were struggling with infertility until I started to share our story. But there are only so many people you meet through your own social network and I wanted to help more.

IVF Journey Success

Medical Disclaimer:

The information provided in this blog is intended for general informational purposes only and should not be considered as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your healthcare provider or qualified medical professional with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read in this blog.


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