National Rainbow Baby Day August 22: Celebrating the Rainbow After the Storm

"Never stop chasing rainbows." After several losses, this was a quote I fell in love with on my never-ending IVF and loss journey to my rainbow baby. It was a quote that provided some light during the darkness.

National Rainbow Baby Day

When is National Rainbow Baby Day

Today, August 22, is National Rainbow Baby Day. A day to celebrate the rainbow at the end of a storm. A day to spread joy and hope to those still fighting this battle. In honor of babies born after loss, August 22 has been designated as "National Rainbow Baby Day."

What is a Rainbow Baby

A rainbow baby is a term used for a baby born after miscarriage, stillbirth, medical loss, or infant loss.

What to Expect on National Rainbow Baby Day

This day can be filled with many emotions. When you’ve experienced loss and then have your rainbow baby, your heart usually feels like it’s been torn into a million pieces and then glued back together. It’s often difficult to process the journey, and days like today can trigger both grief and gratitude.

Life after loss can prove that healing and joy can coexist, which is why days like today are so important to help acknowledge all of these feelings.

Today, I'm thinking of those celebrating their rainbows and everyone still in the wait. I see you. I was you. Know that you aren't alone. You are not broken. Know that you are loved and that no storm lasts forever. There can be beauty, even after a storm. I hope one day soon, you will have your rainbow.

How to Participate on National Rainbow Baby Day

Use the hashtag #NationalRainbowBabyDay to connect with others and share your story online or consider sharing your story on our platform by submitting your story here!

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The information provided in this blog is intended for general informational purposes only and should not be considered as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your healthcare provider or qualified medical professional with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read in this blog.


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