How to Support Your Partner Through a Miscarriage

Miscarriage can be a very difficult experience for both partners. Though 1 in 4 experience pregnancy loss, it’s often a devasting, traumatic thing to experience that can affect a persons mental health. It’s also still something that isn’t talked about enough. Many who experience a miscarriage, do so silently, and often, partners are also left grieving, and unsure how to support their partner too.

tips to support partner through miscarriage

How to Support Your Partner Through a Miscarriage

Firstly, note that people grieve differently. Just like any other emotion, grief can look different for everyone. Some will struggle silently after loss, while others immediately want to talk about it. Some will appear to be okay, while others can hardly function. Accepting differences and acknowledging each other’s coping styles is important. It’s also important to be respectful of and sensitive to each other’s personal needs and feelings.

Here are some tips to support a partner who's grieving pregnancy loss:

1. Don't let fears about saying or doing the wrong thing stop you from being there.

2. Let them know that you're there to listen and be present.

3. Understand that everyone grieves differently and for different lengths of time.

4. Offer to help in practical ways e.g., making or ordering food.

5. Acknowledge the loss and let them know there is no “correct” way to grieve, and that whatever they’re feeling is valid. Sharing how you feel may help validate their grief too.

6. Supporting your partner through a period of grief is necessary, but exhausting. Make sure you’re also getting support, prioritizing your mental health, getting enough rest, and relieving your own grief and sadness with loved ones.

7. Encourage positive coping skills for coping with grief and loss. Therapy is always a recommended option for anyone navigating pregnancy loss, since anxiety, depression, and PTSD are linked. There are also support groups or couples counseling.

8. Ask them how you can support them.

To support a partner through a miscarriage, let your partner talk about it as much as they need to. Whether the support you show is through active listening or simply being present and grieving together, it’s important that your partner knows that no matter what, they can count on you.

Medical Disclaimer:

The information provided in this blog is intended for general informational purposes only and should not be considered as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your healthcare provider or qualified medical professional with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read in this blog.


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