How Many Days After an IVF Transfer Could a BFP Appear?
Every month during the two-week-wait, a lot of us fall into the POAS (peeing on a stick) trap! Each day we wake up and test first thing, hoping and praying that a big fat positive (BFP) will finally appear. Some of us have been lucky enough to experience a positive test, while others haven't. But, whether we've had a positive, or two, or three, or are still 'patiently' waiting, we all still wonder "when would a home test show two lines during the 2ww?"
How Many Days After an IVF Transfer Could a BFP Appear?
The answer doesn't fit into a small box with one answer. So many factors come into play, including if it was a day 3 or day 5 transfer, frozen or fresh embryo, embryo grade, if the embryo was hatching or not at time of transfer, and if twins are possible. All of these can affect when implantation would take place and when the hCG hormone would start appearing in the bloodstream.
Typically, women start testing from 4dpt onward (some sooner to ensure the trigger shot is out of their system and they don't get a false positive). From day 4 to day 10 is the average range for testing at home. Below you will see when women generally start getting their BFP at home:
The Bump
It's interesting to see when those BFP (often squinters at first) start to appear. I know it's something a lot of us obsess over and start googling during the two week wait. It seems the majority of women start to get a positive on day 5, but many don't get a positive up until day 10. I've even heard of a few getting negatives until their blood test! So, as a reminder, don't compare your cycle to others. Just because you get a negative test on day 4, don't give up hope! Everyone is so different and unique, you're ultimately better off waiting until you blood test to save yourself some sanity, but I know how difficult that can be.
Did you know we have an IVF & FET due date calculator? Check it out here!
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The information provided in this blog is intended for general informational purposes only and should not be considered as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your healthcare provider or qualified medical professional with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read in this blog.