Fertility Abbreviations: What You Should Know
When it comes to fertility and fertility treatments, there is a lot to know. From consultations, medical forms, monitoring appointments, fertility testing, and online communities (Instagram or Facebook), it can become confusing and overwhelming, which is why it helps to understand what everyone around you is talking about throughout your fertility journey, and what different fertility abbreviations actually mean. So, we wanted to break it down and simplify it for you:
Fertility Abbreviations: What You Should Know
2WW: Two-week-wait (the time between ovulation, IUI, or embryo transfer and either a positive pregnancy test or period).
AF: Aunt flow also known as menstrual period.
AI: Artificial insemination also known as intrauterine insemination.
Baby Dust: A saying to spread luck and hope to someone trying to conceive.
BCP: Birth control pill.
BD: Baby dance (sex/intercourse).
BETA: A beta-hCG test is used to confirm and/or evaluate a pregnancy through a blood test in a doctor's office or fertility clinic. Beta-hCG (β-hCG) is a test that measures the amount of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in the blood. HCG is a hormone present in early pregnancy and is even used as a marker in home pregnancy tests. This hormone is produced as soon as 10 days after conception. On “beta day” you typically arrive at your clinic in the morning, have your blood drawn, and hours later, receive a call from your clinic, telling you the news.
BFN: Big fat negative (a negative pregnancy test).
BFP: Big fat positive (a positive pregnancy test).
BW: Bloodwork.
CD: Cycle day (used in fertility treatments for monitoring, medications, etc.). Cycle day 1 is day 1 of your menstrual period.
CM: Cervical mucus.
DC: Donor conception.
DOR: Diminished ovarian reserve.
DPO: Days past ovulation.
DPT: Days past transfer (used after an embryo transfer).
Endo: Endometriosis. Endometriosis is a disorder in which tissue similar to the lining of your uterus grows outside of your uterine cavity.
ERA: Endometrial Receptivity Array is a diagnostic test that determines each woman’s unique personalized embryo transfer timing.
hCG: Human chorionic gonadotrophin (the pregnancy hormone measured in pregnancy tests or medication administered for fertility treatment).
HSG: Hysterosalpinogram (X-ray test used to get imaging of fallopian tubes and uterus).
ICSI: Intracytoplasmic sperm injection. Procedure in the lab where the embryologist selects one motile sperm and injects it directly into one egg to fertilize it.
IUI: Intrauterine insemination also known as artificial insemination, is where the sperm is washed and the most motile sperm are placed inside the uterus.
IVF: In-vitro fertilization is the process of retrieving eggs and fertilizing them with sperm and growing them outside of the body.
FET: Frozen embryo transfer is a procedure an embryo is thawed and transferred in the uterus which has been prepped either in a natural menstrual or a controlled cycle.
LH: Luteinizing hormone is one of the hormones that peaks right before ovulation. The rise in LH triggers final egg maturation and ovulation.
LMP: Last menstrual period is the first day of your full flow menses. Can be used to help date a pregnancy or time when fertility treatments may start.
LP: Luteinizing phase (the phase of your cycle between ovulation and your period).
One of the hormones that peaks right before ovulation. The rise in LH triggers final egg maturation and ovulation.
MC: Miscarriage.
MFI: Male factor infertility.
OHSS: Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome takes place when a female’s body over-responds to the hormone medications (notably injectable gonadotropins) used to stimulate egg development during a fertility treatment cycle.
OPK: Ovulation predictor kit is a test that can be used to detect the LH surge and thus when you are most likely to ovulate allowing you to time intercourse to maximize pregnancy rates.
US: Ultrasound.
PCOS: Polycystic ovarian syndrome is a condition that predominantly affects women during their reproductive years.
PGD: Preimplantation genetic diagnosis.
PGS: Preimplantation genetic screening.
PIO: Progesterone in oil. Used during fertility treatment cycles to prepare the uterus for implantation of an embryo or for 12 weeks to support a healthy pregnancy.
PUPO: Pregnant until proven otherwise.
POAS: Pee on a stick e.g., peeing on ovulation or pregnancy tests.
POI: Primary ovarian insufficiency.
Rainbow Baby: a baby born after pregnancy loss.
REI: Reproductive endocrinology and infertility.
SA: Semen analysis. A test used to measure a male’s sperm and semen. Also known as a sperm count or male fertility test.
TTC: Trying to conceive.
TWW: Two-week-wait (the time between ovulation, IUI, or embryo transfer and either a positive pregnancy test or period).
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Medical Disclaimer:
The information provided in this blog is intended for general informational purposes only and should not be considered as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your healthcare provider or qualified medical professional with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read in this blog.