Alcohol and Fertility

Is there any safe amount of alcohol when trying to conceive? The truth is it can be individualized based on your overall health. Understanding how the body metabolizes alcohol can help you determine what may be best for you.

Is there any safe amount of alcohol when trying to conceive

Alcohol and Fertility

Alcohol is a toxin that our body has to process and eliminate. This process takes place in the liver. So, how you handle alcohol and the impact it will have on your hormone balance and fertility depends on how well your liver is working (or not working!) and the ingredients you are giving it to function. The liver is a very busy organ that requires many tools in the form of nutrients protein, and antioxidants to work effectively.

When alcohol is thrown into the mix, the liver prioritizes breaking down this toxin to eliminate it from the body. This means, estrogen metabolism is halted, processing of other toxins is stopped and nutrients that are vital for egg quality (like folate, B12 & B6) are used to eliminate alcohol. How alcohol is going to affect your body when TTC or during the TWW really depends on how well you are supporting your liver function. The support that the liver needs can depend on genetics, gut health, and hormone balance…. which many don’t know unless they’ve had the appropriate testing done. BUT listening to your body goes a LONG way.

In general, enjoying a cocktail or a glass of wine can be supported with a little extra care for your liver. Especially if it will help you relax a little…. we all know stress is no bueno for hormones either! If you feel like there will be guilt or worry or stress around what the effect of alcohol might be, enjoy a fancy cocktail or a simple soda water and lime.

If you choose to enjoy your favorite alcoholic bevy:

  • Enjoy with food! Protein and veggies give your liver some of the ingredients it needs to process the alcohol.

  • Drink alongside water. Staying hydrated supports alcohol metabolism and helps you savor your alcohol.

  • Choose low sugar mixes. Sweet cocktails add extra burden to your liver & send your blood sugar on a roller coaster. Try soda water, seltzer, tonic or a dry wine.

Brooke Boskovich, The Fertility Dietitian

Medical Disclaimer:

The information provided in this blog is intended for general informational purposes only and should not be considered as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your healthcare provider or qualified medical professional with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read in this blog.

Brooke Boskovich

Brooke Boskovich is a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist, a functional & integrative practitioner, the founder of Brooke Boskovich Nutrition and the creator of the Master Your Fertility Program. Brooke is passionate about women’s health & fertility and has helped dozens of women with irregular cycles, PCOS, unexplained infertility, endometriosis & other fertility struggles, regulate their cycles and take-home healthy babies.

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